Medical / EMS (Emergency Medical Services) Division
Over 85% of our calls for service are for medical emergencies. Marion County Fire District #1 responds to these emergencies with highly skilled paramedics and Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) that are trained in the most current pre-hospital care skills and use the most advanced equipment.
A total of 40 Paramedics and 54 EMT’s make up our response team that staffs our transporting Advanced Life Support (ALS) Ambulances and ALS Fire Engines.
EMS Protocols:
These regional patient care protocols are guidelines for EMS Responders of Marion County Fire District No. 1 and our neighboring agencies so that we may provide consistent, cooperative, excellent patient care. These protocols are reviewed regularly and updated when necessary to reflect the advances in the art and science pertaining to the care of the acutely ill and injured.
Advanced Life Support Transport Ambulance
Ron Lee, Deputy Chief at Marion County Fire District No. 1, describes the two levels of ambulance transport the fire district provides, basic life support and advanced life support.
Cardiac Arrest and the Chain of Survival

The term Chain of Survival provides a useful metaphor to help improve cardiac arrest patients’ chances of survival and recovery.
The fast response of paramedics equipped with defibrillators, airway devices, and heart medications gives cardiac arrest victims the best chance of survival.
The five links in the adult out-of-hospital Chain of Survival:
- Recognition of cardiac arrest and notification to the 9-1-1 telephone system
- Early CPR with an emphasis on chest compressions
- Early Defibrillation – the delivery of a shock to the heart by using an AED
- Early Advanced Care from highly trained paramedics who can respond to the patient to provide care prior to the arrival at a hospital
- Advanced life support and post-cardiac arrest care
Patient Privacy Notice: As a patient, your medical information is highly confidential. This notice described how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can access this information.